Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)
3 min readApr 20, 2022


I believe that cutting military expenses will never work in a world afflicted by an autoimmune disease, as it is now.

The Military-industrial Complex, indeed, reacts to such attempts of budget reduction like Number 5 in the movie Short Circuit when confronted with an army of specialists who want to disassemble it by saying: “Disassemble?. . Disassemble?. . No disassemble!” and by becoming overactive, to resist such “reprogramming.”

Instead, we should convince the Military-Industrial Complex that converting the war economy into a peace economy would benefit them.

We would convince them by increasing the actual military budget by 20%, to begin with, instead of reducing it, under the condition that they, on their initiative, use this extra money to convert our war economy into a peace economy by transforming our war resources into peace resources.

It will take money, indeed, to convert the tanks, the bombers, the fighters, the warships, and all the other war apparatus, which we use to kill people into apparatus to defend ourselves as a species against our “real” natural enemies: Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, inundations, forest fires, epidemics, and, most of all, hunger.

The leaders of the Military-industrial Complex can do it if they put their minds to it and if they have the money to do it. It would keep them busy and proud, as they would rightly be.

How are we going to do this? Frankly, I don’t know. However, here is what the world would look like under such a peaceful economy:

Let us say, for example, that there was an earthquake anywhere in such a world.

A converted world army, led by the U.S., Russian, and Chinese Armies (the world’s best organizations) as allies, would send to the affected regions soon after an earthquake, for example, some “earthquake airborne battalions” composed of specialists of all kinds, to “drop” for free prefab housings, rubble diggers, sniff dogs, food, medicines, etc., to salvage the earthquake victims.

The same would happen, for example, after flood devastations, where converted airborne flood battalions would be sent.

After such salvation operations paid by the world taxpayers, we would not have to worry about these countries developing any arms to defend themselves.

The victims of these disasters would become allies, and it wouldn’t be challenging to create a coalition of countries to fight any disaster anywhere in the world.

Furthermore, what about protecting the environment against forest fires, for example? Couldn’t efficient forest fire battalions, on the lookout everywhere during the fire season, stop any fire right at the beginning, thus saving thousands of forest acres that we usually lose each year?

People anywhere in the world would appreciate such a full-fledged deployment of specialized armies helping them reconstruct.

The world taxpayers wouldn’t mind supporting this type of world salvation army, for which it wouldn’t be hard to enroll carrier soldiers and to find volunteers to help them when needed.

After the present war economy is transformed into a never-ending peace economy, led by an army-type organization, I believe that the world peace budget will belittle the actual world war budget by many degrees.

That’s what armies could be good for!



Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)
Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

Written by Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

70+generalist, two general BA & one unspecialized MA in ZooAnthropoSociology acquired to find out why specialists cannot solve the problems created by progress.

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