That is a false problem like the mind-body is. The body as a whole is conscious, not the “mind.” However, the mind is essential to consciousness, as the heart is essential to life. As the heart’s physical reactions must come “long” after the body encounters threats, so our conscious reactions come long after the body makes decisions.
That explains the brain-gut connection and consciousness “delay reactions.”
While worms, birds, cats, and dogs are not free to be others other than worms, birds, cats, or dogs, each of us is free to be whatever we want to be in society and change our minds if we wish. Of course, when we do, we are determined by some unconscious causes, but these causes were always unconsciously brought about by ourselves in relation to society.
I am presently writing a PhD dissertation understandable by all honest minds from 9 to 99 that will prompt them to act as a whole species in conscious collective efforts to save the planet, the living environment to which we are the mind function.
My “theory of everything” is indeed a theory of “collective self” that will allow humanity to get out of the “terrible-two” period that the Twentieth Century has been, as the theory of self let three-year-olds get out of their terrible two periods of development — “Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny.” (sic)
My thesis will show without the shadow of a doubt that modern science is as wrong to believe in the objectivity of nature brought by a staunch belief in the “substantiality” of space and time as we were to think that we were at the center of the universe.
That is what a paradigm shift is all about.
As a 77 yo independent thinker who built a theory based on unsubstantial notions of space and time, I can tell all scientists what Giordano Bruno said to the “academicians” of his time about the nature of the planets and the stars that you don’t know what you are talking about when talking about space and time.
No offense intended.
I lived all my adult life visiting the “zoo” of modern science in eight colleges and universities. I have freely walked among specialists, admiring the beauty of their reasoning and the power of their trades. However, I soon realized how restricted they were by their specializations. While not daring to enter their specialized area of knowledge — having been afraid of being eaten alive — to tell them they were indeed not free but could be if they ever got out of their spacetime cages.
I am ready to give them the tools to do so, and thank you for allowing me to tell you so.
“There are few ideas that, like our notion of time, shape our thinking about literally everything, with major implications for physics and beyond — from climate change to the economic crisis.” Lee Smolin, Time Reborn
PS, In the beginning, there was no “energy.”
In the beginning was the String, and the String was with the Singularity, and the String was the Singularity. (André 1:1)
In the “singularity,” all the universe was present “in principle,” not as energy, but as information.
Like “The Word,” strings are not “energy,” but information, which allows me to unify quantum mechanics, and the general theory of relativity so nine-year-olds understand.