"one for each dimension, right/left, back/forth, up/down"
I stopped reading there. The dimensions in physics are, for me, a very limiting fallacy of "misplaced concreteness." Where is right/left, back/forth, up/down in empty space?
Descartes invented dimensions to situate objects IN MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS, not in reality. In reality, if one "dimension" is eliminated, there is no more room for the two others to exist. See https://agaudreault.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/001-3d-and-2d.jpg?source=responses-----3ab215bb873f---------------------respond_sidebar--------------
That is a problem for those who are still counting angels . . . I mean "particles" for standard-model theorists, who deal with "zero-dimensional" particles, and "dimensions" themselves for string theorists, who deal with "one-dimensional" entities, thus succeeding to explain their theories but failing to explain reality.