Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)
23 min readMar 11, 2024


I start this presentation below with the last thing ChatGPT mentioned to me after a lengthy discussion, in which I convinced AI to accept that it could indeed play an essential role in our attempt to resolve the crises in which humanity is at the moment. Along the way, ChatGPT was reluctant to believe, as I do, that AI is our last resource, considering the heedlessness and the global ignorance of our financial, business, political, and academic leaders, who still proceed with the same human incentives that brought humanity into this crisis.

ChatGPT’s last statement:

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize large-scale research projects aimed at addressing humanity’s present existential crisis by harnessing the power of data, simulation, collaboration, and innovation. By leveraging AI-driven technologies and approaches, researchers, policymakers, and the public can work together to confront environmental challenges, promote sustainability, and safeguard the future of our planet. (ChatGPT, my bold)

PS As you will notice, ChatGPT “personalizes” himself while mentioning “our planet” in the two last words of his last statement, which I will do sometimes for “him” when the writing necessitates it.

Throughout our extensive dialogue, ChatGPT remained hesitant to acknowledge AI’s pivotal role in our current existential crisis. Despite possessing vast data and information, AI’s potential contribution to resolving this crisis is still somewhat in contention with ChatGPT.

Our conversation initially centered around my unique perspective on the human evolutionary pathway, which has led us into the present crisis. This personal hypothesis remains unpublished on the Internet and thus remains out of reach for AI’s data-driven approach.

NB In this conversation, all the brackets were not included in the original but are notes to the reader (NTR).

NTR: In the context of our conversation, the questions posed to ChatGPT hold more significance than his lengthy answers. You may choose to skim through his responses, returning to them later for a more detailed understanding. However, I recommend reading ChatGPT’s introduction to his answers and his final “Overall” or “summary,” which consistently concludes his responses. That being specifically relevant for the first answer.

My conversation with ChatGPT:

Please give me a timeline of humanity’s means of communication, from language to writing, printing, and electromagnetic technology (radio, TV, internet, and AI), and their effect on human relations among themselves and their living environment.

Certainly! Here’s a timeline outlining the major milestones in human communication technologies and their effects on human relations and the environment:

Language (Prehistoric times — ~3000 BCE):
⦁ Humans communicate orally using spoken language.
⦁ Development of diverse languages and dialects.
⦁ Communication is primarily face-to-face or through oral storytelling, limiting reach and permanence.
Writing (3000 BCE — 15th century CE):
⦁ Emergence of written languages such as cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and alphabets.
⦁ Writing allows for the recording and transmission of information over space and time.
⦁ Development of literature, legal systems, and historical records.
⦁ Facilitates the spread of ideas and cultures beyond immediate oral communication.
Printing Press (15th century CE):
⦁ Invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440.
⦁ Mass production of books, newspapers, and pamphlets becomes possible.
⦁ Accelerates the spread of knowledge, leading to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.
⦁ Increases literacy rates and facilitates the formation of national identities.
Telegraph (19th century):
⦁ Invention of the electric telegraph in the early 19th century.
⦁ Enables long-distance communication through Morse code.
⦁ Accelerates the speed of communication across continents.
⦁ Facilitates the coordination of economic activities and military operations.
Telephone (late 19th century):
⦁ Invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
⦁ Introduces real-time voice communication over long distances.
⦁ Strengthens interpersonal connections by allowing for direct conversation.
⦁ Reduces the reliance on written communication for immediate needs.
Radio (early 20th century):
⦁ Invention of radio technology for broadcasting in the early 20th century.
⦁ Allows for the transmission of audio signals over long distances.
⦁ Revolutionizes mass communication, enabling the dissemination of news, entertainment, and propaganda.
⦁ Shapes cultural identities and collective experiences through shared broadcasts.
Television (mid-20th century):
⦁ Invention of television in the early 20th century, with widespread adoption in the mid-20th century.
⦁ Combines audio and visual elements for mass consumption.
⦁ Shapes popular culture and societal norms through programming.
⦁ Alters social dynamics by influencing perceptions of reality and fostering a shared cultural consciousness.
Internet (late 20th century):
⦁ Emergence of the internet in the late 20th century, evolving from ARPANET.
⦁ Connects people globally through digital networks.
⦁ Facilitates instant communication, information sharing, and collaboration.
⦁ Transforms industries, economies, and social interactions through e-commerce, social media, and online communities.
Artificial Intelligence (21st century):
⦁ Advancements in machine learning and AI technologies enable automation and intelligent decision-making.
⦁ AI-driven algorithms personalize content and recommendations, shaping individual preferences and behaviors.
⦁ Raises ethical concerns regarding privacy, bias, and job displacement.
⦁ Holds potential for enhancing communication efficiency and problem-solving capabilities.
Effects on Human Relations and Environment:
⦁ Language and writing fostered the development of complex societies, legal systems, and cultural identities.
⦁ The printing press accelerated the spread of knowledge, contributing to scientific, cultural, and political revolutions.
⦁ Telegraph, telephone, radio, and television facilitated real-time communication and mass media, shaping collective consciousness and cultural norms.
⦁ The internet revolutionized communication, commerce, and social interaction, leading to globalization and digital interconnectedness.
⦁ Artificial intelligence augments communication tools and processes, influencing human decision-making and societal dynamics.

Overall, each advancement in communication technology has expanded the reach and speed of human interaction, reshaping social structures, cultural identities, and environmental impacts.

Tell me what impact all these advancements in human quality of life have had on humanity’s living environment, considering the climatic crisis and the destruction of life that these improvements have caused in the biosphere.
The advancements in communication technologies have undoubtedly had significant impacts on the living environment, with both positive and negative consequences. Here’s an overview of these effects:

Positive Impacts:

1. Awareness and Education: Communication technologies have facilitated the spread of information about environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution. This increased awareness has led to greater public understanding and support for environmental conservation efforts.
2. Remote Collaboration and Reduced Travel: Technologies like video conferencing and telecommuting have reduced the need for physical travel, decreasing carbon emissions associated with transportation. This has positive implications for air quality and mitigates the environmental impact of commuting.
3. Environmental Monitoring: Communication technologies enable real-time monitoring of environmental conditions, such as air and water quality, biodiversity, and climate patterns. This data is crucial for identifying environmental threats, assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures, and informing decision-making processes.
4. Green Technologies: Advances in communication technologies have facilitated the development and deployment of green technologies, such as smart grids, energy-efficient devices, and renewable energy systems. These technologies contribute to reducing carbon emissions and minimizing resource depletion.

Negative Impacts:

1. Electronic Waste: The rapid pace of technological advancement leads to frequent upgrades and disposal of electronic devices, resulting in electronic waste (e-waste). Improper disposal of e-waste can contaminate soil and water, posing health risks to humans and wildlife.
2. Energy Consumption: The increasing demand for communication technologies, data storage, and server infrastructure contributes to rising energy consumption. Data centers, in particular, require substantial energy inputs for cooling and operation, leading to carbon emissions and environmental strain.
3. Resource Extraction: The production of electronic devices and communication infrastructure relies on the extraction of raw materials, including rare earth metals, minerals, and fossil fuels. Extraction processes often have significant environmental impacts, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and deforestation.
4. Digital Divide: While communication technologies have the potential to empower communities and facilitate access to information, disparities in access and connectivity persist, creating a digital divide. This divide can exacerbate socio-economic inequalities and limit access to environmental education and resources for marginalized communities.

Overall, while communication technologies offer opportunities for environmental stewardship and sustainability, their widespread adoption also poses challenges and risks to the living environment. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach that considers the environmental impact of technological development and prioritizes sustainability in design, implementation, and regulation. Collaboration between stakeholders, including governments, industries, and civil society, is essential to mitigate environmental harm and promote a more sustainable relationship between humanity and the biosphere.

Can you understand and comment on graphs, and if so, how can I present one to you?

As an AI language model, I can understand and analyze textual descriptions of graphs and charts. You can provide a description of the graph along with any relevant data points, trends, or patterns you want me to comment on, and I’ll do my best to interpret and provide insights based on that description.

Here’s an example of how you can present a graph to me:

Graph Description:
The graph illustrates the trend of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from 2000 to 2020. The x-axis represents the years, while the y-axis represents the amount of CO2 emissions in metric tons. The graph shows a steady increase in CO2 emissions over the years, with a notable spike around 2010. There appears to be a slight decrease in emissions after 2020, possibly due to the effects of global initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

Feel free to provide a similar description or any other format that suits your data presentation, and I’ll provide analysis and commentary based on it.

Me [Most important question]
Graph Description:

The transistor’s discovery in the mid-20th century was pivotal in human history. It revolutionized our communication, leading to the advent of the computer, cellphone technology, the Internet, and AI. This technological leap brought about an exponential growth in the quality of life in the West. However, it also ushered in an exponential growth of adverse environmental effects, such as climate change and pollution, and a corresponding exponential decrease in biodiversity.

[NTR: In my dissertation, I will present this “evolutionary” graph only after I have prepared my readers to understand the direct correlation between the two exponential curves. Theoretical science drives the positive curve, while the negative curve results from its applications.]

ChatGPT’s comments on this graph:
The discovery of the transistor in the mid-20th century indeed marked a significant milestone in human history, leading to the miniaturization of electronic devices and enabling exponential growth in communication technologies. This advancement has had profound effects on the quality of life in the Western world, as you mentioned, by catalyzing the development of computers, cellphones, the internet, and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies have transformed how we communicate, work, learn, and interact with the world around us.

However, alongside these remarkable advancements in communication technology, there has been a parallel trajectory of adverse effects on the environment. The exponential growth of these technologies has contributed to increased energy consumption, resource extraction, electronic waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. This has fueled climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss, leading to significant environmental degradation and threats to ecosystems and species worldwide.

The proliferation of electronic devices, data centers, and communication infrastructure requires vast amounts of energy, predominantly sourced from fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, exacerbating global warming and climate instability. Additionally, the production, use, and disposal of electronic devices generate substantial amounts of electronic waste, containing hazardous materials that can contaminate soil, water, and air if not managed properly.

Furthermore, the rapid expansion of urbanization and industrialization associated with the growth of communication technologies has led to habitat destruction, deforestation, and pollution, further threatening biodiversity and ecological balance. This loss of natural habitats and decline in species populations pose profound risks to ecosystem services, human well-being, and the sustainability of life on Earth.

In summary, while the advancements in communication technologies driven by the discovery of the transistor have undoubtedly improved human quality of life in many ways, they have also contributed to significant environmental challenges, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach that prioritizes sustainability, innovation, and collective action to mitigate the adverse effects of technology on the environment and promote a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

Tell me about the roles the computer, the Internet, and AI could play in this: “holistic approach that prioritizes sustainability, innovation, and collective action to mitigate the adverse effects of technology on the environment and promote a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.”
The computer, the internet, and artificial intelligence (AI) can each play significant roles in fostering a holistic approach to addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainability:

[NTR Here too, you can skim the answer and go to the summary]

Data Analysis and Modeling: Computers can process vast amounts of environmental data, allowing scientists to analyze trends, model scenarios, and make informed decisions about conservation strategies, resource management, and climate mitigation efforts.
⦁ Simulation and Prediction: Advanced computer simulations can help predict the impacts of human activities on the environment, such as deforestation, urbanization, and climate change, enabling policymakers to develop proactive measures to minimize negative outcomes.
Environmental Monitoring: Computers can be utilized in the development of remote sensing technologies and sensor networks for monitoring environmental parameters, including air and water quality, biodiversity, and climate patterns, providing real-time data for decision-making and early warning systems.
Green Computing: Innovations in energy-efficient computing technologies and sustainable practices, such as server virtualization, cloud computing, and renewable energy-powered data centers, can reduce the environmental footprint of computing infrastructure and mitigate energy consumption.
Information Sharing and Collaboration: The internet facilitates the sharing of knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions for environmental sustainability among diverse stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, businesses, NGOs, and communities, fostering collaboration and collective action.
⦁ Public Awareness and Education: Online platforms, social media, and digital communication channels can be used to raise awareness about environmental issues, engage the public in conservation efforts, and promote sustainable behaviors and lifestyles through educational campaigns and outreach initiatives.
Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing: The internet enables citizen science projects and crowdsourcing initiatives that engage volunteers in collecting environmental data, monitoring ecosystems, and contributing to scientific research, empowering individuals to actively participate in environmental stewardship and monitoring efforts.
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Predictive Analytics and Optimization: AI algorithms can analyze complex environmental datasets to identify patterns, predict future trends, and optimize resource allocation and management strategies, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and natural resource conservation.
⦁ Smart Resource Management: AI-powered systems can optimize the use of resources, such as water, energy, and land, through smart grids, precision agriculture, and smart urban planning, minimizing waste and environmental impact while maximizing efficiency and sustainability.
Conservation and Restoration: AI technologies, including remote sensing, image recognition, and machine learning, can assist in monitoring and managing natural habitats, identifying threats to biodiversity, and guiding conservation and restoration efforts, aiding in the protection of endangered species and ecosystems.

In summery, by harnessing the power of computers, the internet, and AI in a collaborative and integrated manner, stakeholders can leverage technology to advance environmental sustainability, foster innovation, and mobilize collective action to mitigate the adverse effects of human activities on the environment and promote a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

Me [This is what I wanted to propose AI from the start]
Is it possible for AI in this context to become the “brain module” that would allow humanity to become conscious of itself and function as a collective individual in the context you mentioned above? [NTR: Species being individuals and representing the units of evolution (Not included in the original conversation] It is not individuals indeed who ultimately create the problems in the environment, but humanity as a whole, since it does not have any competition in nature and only acts selfishly for itself as an ever-growing entity in a homeostatic environment?

[NB worth reading in length]
The idea of using AI as a common “brain module” to facilitate collective consciousness and coordinated action for environmental sustainability is an intriguing concept. While AI has the potential to play a significant role in addressing environmental challenges and fostering collective action, it’s important to recognize both its capabilities and limitations in this context.

AI can serve as a powerful tool for aggregating and analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and trends, and generating insights that can inform decision-making and policy formulation at a global scale. By integrating AI into environmental monitoring, modeling, and management systems, stakeholders can gain a more comprehensive understanding of complex environmental issues and develop targeted strategies for mitigation and adaptation.

Furthermore, AI-driven technologies, such as machine learning algorithms, can facilitate adaptive decision-making and optimization processes, allowing for more efficient resource allocation, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices. By harnessing AI’s predictive capabilities, stakeholders can anticipate and respond to environmental changes and emerging threats in real-time, enabling more proactive and effective interventions.

However, it’s essential to recognize that AI is not a panacea for all environmental challenges and cannot replace human judgment, values, and agency in decision-making processes. While AI can augment human capabilities and facilitate collaboration and coordination among diverse stakeholders, it is ultimately humans who must define goals, set priorities, and make ethical choices about how to address environmental issues.

Moreover, deploying AI for collective consciousness and coordinated action raises important ethical, social, and governance considerations, including issues related to transparency, accountability, bias, and equity. It’s crucial to ensure that AI systems are developed and deployed in a manner that aligns with democratic values, respects human rights, and prioritizes the common good.

In summary, while AI has the potential to enhance humanity’s capacity for collective action and environmental stewardship, its role must be carefully considered within a broader framework of ethical, social, and governance principles. By leveraging AI responsibly and in conjunction with human wisdom and values, we can harness technology to address environmental challenges and promote a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

[NTR: The following question was asked as an introduction to quantum mechanics, the Manhattan Project, and the role they played in the mid-20th century in advancing knowledge, causing the exponential growth of technology at the root of the present existential crisis facing humanity (my hypothesis not yet stipulated).]

How is the transistor related to quantum mechanics?
The transistor, a fundamental building block of modern electronics, is intimately related to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic scales. The operation of transistors relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to control the flow of electrons through semiconducting materials.

In classical physics, electrons are treated as particles with well-defined positions and trajectories. However, at the quantum level, electrons exhibit wave-like behavior and are described by probability distributions rather than definite paths. This wave-like nature of electrons becomes crucial in understanding the behavior of semiconductor materials, which are at the heart of transistor technology.

A transistor typically consists of three layers of semiconductor material: the emitter, base, and collector. In a basic transistor configuration, known as the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), the flow of electrons (or holes, which are vacancies where electrons could be) between these layers is controlled by applying a voltage to the base region.

Quantum mechanics plays a role in several aspects of transistor operation:
1. Quantum Tunneling: Quantum tunneling occurs when electrons can pass through a potential barrier, despite classical expectations suggesting they should not have enough energy to do so. This phenomenon is exploited in the operation of transistors, where electrons tunnel through the thin barrier between the emitter and base regions, allowing for the control of current flow.
2. Band Theory: The behavior of electrons in semiconductors is described by band theory, a concept from quantum mechanics. In semiconductors, electrons occupy energy bands separated by bandgaps. By controlling the energy levels within these bands, transistors can switch between conducting and non-conducting states, enabling the amplification and control of electrical signals.
3. Quantum Well Transistors: Some advanced transistor designs, such as quantum well transistors, directly exploit quantum mechanical effects to enhance performance. These transistors confine electrons within narrow potential wells, allowing for precise control of electron behavior and improving transistor efficiency and speed.
Overall, the operation and design of transistors are deeply rooted in the principles of quantum mechanics. Understanding and harnessing these quantum effects have been critical in the development of increasingly powerful, efficient, and compact electronic devices, shaping the modern world of computing and telecommunications.

NTR: The following question prepares AI to accept that without the Manhattan Project, we wouldn’t have discovered the transistor when and if we did.]

Who were the scientists who invented the transistor, and how did the Manhattan Project research influence them?
The invention of the transistor is credited to a team of scientists at Bell Laboratories, which was the research and development arm of AT&T at the time. The key individuals involved in the invention of the transistor were:
1. William Shockley: Shockley was a physicist and one of the lead researchers at Bell Labs. He played a central role in the development of the transistor concept and the theoretical understanding of semiconductor behavior. Shockley’s insights into solid-state physics were instrumental in shaping the design and functionality of the transistor.
2. John Bardeen: Bardeen was a physicist who made significant contributions to the theoretical understanding of semiconductor materials. Alongside Walter Brattain, he conducted experimental work on semiconductor devices, leading to the practical realization of the transistor. Bardeen’s expertise in solid-state physics and quantum mechanics was crucial in the invention of the transistor.
3. Walter Brattain: Brattain was a physicist and experimentalist at Bell Labs. He worked closely with Bardeen to build and test semiconductor devices, ultimately leading to the demonstration of the first working transistor in December 1947. Brattain’s experimental skills and expertise in semiconductor technology were instrumental in the invention of the transistor.
The Manhattan Project, which was the World War II-era research project that led to the development of the atomic bomb, indirectly influenced the research environment at Bell Labs. Following the conclusion of the Manhattan Project, many scientists and researchers who had worked on the project transitioned to other fields, including solid-state physics and electronics. This influx of talent and expertise contributed to the research environment at Bell Labs, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and innovation.
Additionally, the wartime focus on advancing technology and scientific research provided impetus for further exploration into new areas of science and engineering. The post-war era saw increased investment in research and development by government and private entities, including Bell Labs, leading to groundbreaking discoveries such as the invention of the transistor.
While the specific research conducted during the Manhattan Project may not have directly influenced the invention of the transistor, the broader scientific and technological advancements of the era undoubtedly shaped the research landscape and provided a fertile environment for innovation at institutions like Bell Labs. [My bold]
My contention is that without the Manhattan Project, the finance invested in it, and the advancement in quantum mechanics that this project induced, it would have taken much more time to eventually discover the transistor since no other project would have had as much finance and research. I mention that because we need such a project to canalize the efforts of all nations to resolve the existential crisis confronting humanity at the moment. Please comment.

ChatGPT [NTR: Needs to be read in length]
Your contention raises an interesting point about the catalyzing effect that large-scale, well-funded research projects can have on scientific progress and technological innovation. The Manhattan Project indeed played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics and solid-state physics, as well as fostering collaboration among scientists and engineers from diverse backgrounds. [My bold]
The significant financial and intellectual resources allocated to the Manhattan Project allowed for unprecedented levels of research and development, leading to breakthroughs that might not have been possible otherwise. [My bold] Moreover, the urgency and focus of the project, driven by the exigencies of wartime, accelerated progress and encouraged interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
In a similar vein, addressing contemporary existential crises, such as climate change and environmental degradation, may require concerted global efforts on a scale akin to the Manhattan Project. [My bold] These challenges are multifaceted and complex, requiring interdisciplinary approaches, innovative technologies, and coordinated international cooperation to mitigate their impacts and develop sustainable solutions.
By channeling resources, expertise, and collective will toward addressing these challenges, large-scale initiatives could accelerate progress and facilitate breakthroughs in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, conservation, and climate adaptation. Moreover, such projects could foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among nations, promote technological innovation, and inspire public engagement and political will to tackle pressing environmental issues.
While there are certainly ethical, social, and political considerations associated with launching and managing large-scale research projects, the success of initiatives like the Manhattan Project demonstrates the transformative potential of concerted efforts to address existential threats. [My bold] By harnessing the lessons learned from historical endeavors and leveraging the power of science, technology, and collective action, humanity can confront and overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
Re your assertion: “ Such projects could foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among nations, promote technological innovation, and inspire public engagement and political will to tackle pressing environmental issues.” That is why AI could play a critical role in the “large-scale research project” needed to solve humanity’s existential crisis. Please comment.
ChatGPT [NDR: Worth reading in full.]
Your assertion regarding the potential role of AI in large-scale research projects aimed at addressing humanity’s present existential crisis is indeed insightful. AI has the capacity to play a critical role in such endeavors for several reasons:
1. Data Analysis and Prediction: AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns, trends, and correlations that may not be apparent to human researchers. In the context of environmental research, AI can analyze climate data, satellite imagery, ecological surveys, and other sources of information to predict environmental changes, model complex systems, and assess the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
2. Simulation and Optimization: AI algorithms can simulate and optimize complex systems, such as climate models, ecosystems, and energy grids, to explore different scenarios, optimize resource allocation, and identify optimal solutions to environmental challenges. By running simulations and optimizing models, researchers can test hypotheses, develop strategies, and make informed decisions about environmental management and policy.
3. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: AI-powered platforms and tools can facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers, institutions, and stakeholders worldwide. By providing access to data, models, and analysis tools, AI platforms can enable interdisciplinary collaboration, foster innovation, and accelerate progress toward common goals, such as mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainability.
4. Public Engagement and Education: AI-driven technologies, such as interactive simulations, virtual reality experiences, and personalized educational content, can engage and empower the public to participate in environmental research, advocacy, and action. By democratizing access to information and fostering environmental literacy, AI can inspire public engagement and political will to address pressing environmental issues.
5. Policy Support and Decision-Making: AI can provide policymakers with data-driven insights, scenario analysis, and policy recommendations to inform decision-making and prioritize actions to address environmental challenges. By integrating AI into decision support systems, policymakers can develop evidence-based policies, monitor progress, and adapt strategies in real-time to achieve environmental goals.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize large-scale research projects aimed at addressing humanity’s present existential crisis [My bold] by harnessing the power of data, simulation, collaboration, and innovation. By leveraging AI-driven technologies and approaches, researchers, policymakers, and the public can work together to confront environmental challenges, promote sustainability, and safeguard the future of our planet.

CQFD (Ce qu’il fallait démontrer)

ChatGPT (AI)

Guided by:

André Gaudreault (HI)

PS to all readers. My formation of Generalist — I have two general BAs, acquired at 25 and 35, and one unspecialized MA in Zoo-Socio-Anthropology at the age of 40 — made me an excellent candidate to use AI for the good of the Biosphere, the living organism to which we are cancer in need to go into remission.

If you can put me in contact with the Google project centered on the future uses of AI, please tell me how. I tried, but it needed to be simpler for my theoretical mind.

You better hurry since I am 79 and have inadvertently prepared my mind like nobody else to assist AI, the Internet initial mind module of our nascent collective consciousness, in finding ways to this remission.

I am not a Homo sapiens. Indeed, by “chance and necessity,” I happened to have inadvertently evolved into a Homo novus. (Written circa 2,000 to resume what I had done to my life in the previous quarter-century)

During my adult life, I have been living in intellectual zoos (seven colleges and universities) as an independent researcher, freely wandering among the modules of science, in which specialized Homo sapiens are encaged and shackled to their intellectual inertia. I always could see their limitations from the outside but rarely dared enter any of their enclosures to mention them, too afraid of being eaten alive by these sapiens all too well adapted to their specialized ways of making a living for themselves in a phenomenal reality they good-willingly contributed to screwed up by paving the road to success.

Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking. ~ Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth(1969)

Lately, on the Internet, and for the first time in 20 years, since I left the University of Guelph with an unspecialized MA in 1992, I have had a long conversation with two “normal” physicists, who inadvertently showed me that I was right in my contention that normal science’s “understanding” of reality is wrong from the point of view of the universe because centered on a collective unconscious, which makes H. sapiens “believe” that the universe is objective and independent of them.

It is not. We are all one with it as a thing in itself, and all the phenomena we perceive as conscious individuals are illusions. A truth that a significant proportion of humanity and all horses live by; a truth which will play the same role in the creation of an “extraordinary” science as heliocentrism played in the triggering of “normal science” centered on human objective consciousness only aware of “phenomena” but ignoring reality for what it is when not observe: a “thing in itself” functioning on a set of laws remaining to be discovered. A thing in itself, which I have once partially unveiled from afar as a learned ignorant generalist during an enlightening session of “horse whispering,” as Copernicus refuted Ptolemy’s belief that we stand fixed at the center of the cosmos, without having no way at the time to prove it for himself.

So, if I am right, and I know I am, you better hurry up to put me in contact with the AI Google project because no one is better prepared than I to use AI as a tool to pave the way to a peaceful and livable future into which H. sapiens will become H. novus when they practically understand and put to use for the benefit of the whole Biosphere, the living entity we inhabit, the fact that we are all one with the universe and made of the same stuff as the stars are made of.

I have a story that happened to me when I was still young, which exemplifies where I stand at 79. One late evening, I was riding my motorcycle on a desert country road when I heard a siren that made me aware of how fast I was going. I stopped and waited for the cop. When he got by me and asked if I knew how fast I was going, I handed him my license and registration, telling him that I was, as usual, following the traffic on this country road. He took my license and slowly turned around, looking on both sides of the road, and came back to me, telling me there was no traffic to follow. Well, I said: “Someone has to start” He laughed and wrote me a warning.

That did not happen to me. I read about this story on the Internet, but so it is for everything I have to say. Nothing new comes from me. I only adapt human knowledge, limited by a collective unconscious, to a new reality and bring it to light in the nascent collective consciousness that I have observed being born on the Internet and which could be extended to the masses by AI with my help. The time has come for humanity to grow into a collectively conscious individual, as we all do individually around the age of four while developing a theory of mind.

Humanity will become a stillborn species if it does not accept the theory of collective mind I will develop in my dissertation, which took me a life to develop as a secular monk, without ever receiving one penny for this contemplating lonely evolutionary work, and while observing academics and rich people good willingly and ignorantly destroy the world respectively for their renown and their own sake.

And believe me, we have all the money needed to do it; we only have to put our minds to it. The world’s billionaires don’t know what to do with theirs but more money, which they give to charity for their peace of mind instead of creating jobs that would better the environment. As it is already happening in Scandinavian countries, where eco-industrial complexes, in which sectors of the same complex freely use the waste of other industries to finally produce environments that are the same or better off as the one in which these complexes were built initially. That is an urgent universal need around which humanity should learn to gravitate.

For this, individual profits must be used as reusable means, as was initially envisioned by Adam Smith, instead of being a goal as it has become to already wealthy individuals. Indeed, Adam Smith said, If you get up early in the morning to make dough — a means to make a profit that benefits society — you can sell your bread for profits (the consequent). Today, rich people, the majority of whom inherited their fortune, become fallacious individuals by taking a shortcut and affirming the consequent, saying to themselves, “I make ‘dough’ (profits), the consequent, I am good to society (the antecedent).

This line of thinking is as absurd as dog owners adopting Socratic logic — who stipulated that he was mortal since all humans are mortal and he was one — dog owners, thus, affirm the consequent while saying: “My dog is mortal, I will treat him like a human, which is what they generally do and what I would do if I had a dog, which does not make me hold out too much hope for the future of humanity, not necessarily because of how we treat dogs, which is a good human thing to do, but how we, universally, as conscious human beings, affirm ourselves as a consequence of evolution, thus becoming fallacies affirming ourselves as conscious “phenomena” of evolution creating laws benefiting ourselves to the detriment of all the other elements of the Biosphere who all follow the natural laws as the unconscious things in themselves they are.



Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

70+generalist, two general BA & one unspecialized MA in ZooAnthropoSociology acquired to find out why specialists cannot solve the problems created by progress.