"members of congress ... profited big time from Putin going into Ukraine"

Humanity is afflicted by an autoimmune disease.

For millions of years in the Savannah, Homo habilis collectively defended themselves using tree branches,

It is indeed the unconscious habit of carrying with them tree branches as "security sticks" when their tree-habitat was receding in time of drought, which allowed them, and Erectus afterward, to survive for millions of years in the Savannah and to eventually made them evolve into the "sapiens" that we are today,

Moreover, now that we don't have any natural enemies, it is these millions of years of success, which are still in our "collective unconscious" (Jung), that make us create the enemies that we need to keep our economies of war running.

The times have come for us to grow up:

Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)
Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

Written by Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

70+generalist, two general BA & one unspecialized MA in ZooAnthropoSociology acquired to find out why specialists cannot solve the problems created by progress.

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