
"just how American that love [for peanut butter] was."

I am a 76 yo "border-line" American (Canadian), and I have had peanut butter on toast EVERY MORNING since I remember.

For forty years now, I have had the same breakfast:

-Peanut butter and toast

-a mix of healthy cereals (no sugar) with 1/3 banana and pieces of two other fruits. (seasoned with two TBS of IRISH CREAM coffee-mix (essential)

-with instant black coffee (I have tried percolated along the way, but it is too much work for the difference in taste)



Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)
Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

Written by Andre Gaudreault (Gaudwin)

70+generalist, two general BA & one unspecialized MA in ZooAnthropoSociology acquired to find out why specialists cannot solve the problems created by progress.

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