I started reading your piece on Junk and the collective unconscious and will return to it when needed.
I am French and need to find some ways to formulate in English some of my ideas that are similar to some writers on the Internet, you, for example.
I saved your piece under Junk Edge NDE and Implicate order
Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order, or rather my interpretation of it, "explicate" everything "classically " hard to understand: NDE, wave-particle duality, the collective unconscious, even the constancy of the speed of light (sic) and the Alien UFO who must ride on this"implicated" constancy to be able to reach us so easily, etc.
All the universe, for example the Biosphere, functions in an "implicate order," composed of entities living in the instant as "holistic" entities informatically one with the whole" implicate order."
When we entered the Savannah, or rather when the Savannah, created by the Rift Valley of East Africa, invaded us, stripping us from our natural tree habitat where the "wimp" species we were used to hide to survive in the Jungle, we were not equipped anymore to survive as "holistic" entities in an opened and dangerous Savannah.
Then, some of us (the first proto scientists) quit living in the instant as holistic entities while unconsciously assuming the notions of space and time to objectify the Savannah and use portions of it to create the stick-and-stone tools they needed to defend themselves in this dangerous openness:
It is these notions of space and time that have become the foundations of a "collective unconscious" that has to be transmitted by proxy to each one of us as individuals during the first years of our lives when we are busy forming the "mind" that we all carry with us for the rest of our life.
Feral children are evidence that we never become fully human without this "collective unconscious" inculcated in us by proxy in the first three years of our life.
There you have it, John. If you want more, follow me, I am 78 and have many more to say.
PS I saved your file in the folder "a priori" because this is what are a priories, the content of our collective unconscious passed on and acquired unconsciously while developing our minds growing up as infants and toddlers "by experience" during millions of years of evolution.