I am presently writing a PhD dissertation in absentia as a 77 yo learned generalist after two general BA and one unspecialized MA in Zoo-Socio-Anthropology titled:
KNOW THYSELF IN QUANTUM TERMS: Towards a Theory of Everything
It will be a TOE explaining in terms understandable by all honest minds the relations between matter, life, and consciousness.
I am here sending you an extract of an email that I sent to Enrico Santamato in response to him telling me in our email exchanges that I should learn more about QM mathematics before writing my dissertation::
Extract of my email:
Copernicus didn't need crystalline spheres, epicycles, equants, eccentrics, and deferents to explain the motion of the planets around the sun,
as we will not need the Standard Model and all its ad hoc components when we understand quantum reality from the point of view of information.
Here I am not talking about information in quantum terms but in genetic terms. My dissertation will show, indeed, that the information in DNA that produces life and, ultimately, human consciousness also produces the characteristics of chemical compounds and atomic elements, while explaining universal gravitation in quantum terms. (Note to Tim Andersen, Ph.D. : That is what a TOE should be all about.)
"A solution to the hard problem would involve an account of the relation between physical processes and consciousness, explaining on the basis of natural principles how and why it is that physical processes are associated with states of experience." David John Chalmers.
While QM mechanic scientists use a reductionist method in their attempts to formulate a Theory of Everything in mathematical terms, I will develop one using a holistic approach, starting from human "states of experience" (consciousness), the ultimate outcome of "natural principles," by showing how all "physical processes are associated with states of experience," IE., consciousness, thus solving both "hard problems" of philosophy and physics.
The problem with QM mathematics is that it is very good at describing appearance (measurements) but cannot define the nature of reality.
If you give me your email, Tim, I will send you the complete Medium draft of this piece and send you draft of my dissertation.
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