Here's my view on string theorist. They have it all right, but in Tycho Brahe's manner in that their calculations are as accurate as his observations were but they still make the mistake of considering 'energy' as the essence of reality as Brahe understood is observations as made from the center of the universe.
The essence of reality is not energy but information:
"At the beginning was the strings, and the strings ere with the singularity. and the strings was the singularity." John 1:1 String Theory Version
Strings, here, are information for me, as the "Word" should have been for John.
At 77, I am writing a PhD dissertation in abasentia as an "extraordinary" scientist, titled: KNOW THYSELF IN QUANTUM TERMS.
"Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism that does not admit this can survive at the present day."Norbert Wiener