"Emanations from the cosmic mind should be understood in the same way, as working downwards in a hierarchy from the higher and more powerful and pervasive principles to the narrower and more particular, each level creating and directing the one below it".
Maybe it works the other way around: starting with the strings being simple but having all possibilities and moving upwards to the more complex, our level, having only one choice, survival.
If I am right, all sectors of our complex society need to work together to find solutions to our present existential crisis. For this, we need a "human paradigm shift," transcending our individuality and our "war economy" while showing us how to use the Internet, the nascent module of our collective consciousness, for the good of all.
If "species are individuals," the time has come for us to "punctuate our equilibrium," for no better way to say it.
I am indeed a learned-ignorant generalist as the Renaissance thinkers were. Moreover, I am French.
As it was hard for them to express themselves in simple sentences, so it is for me since I have been busy for the last 50 years defining as an outsider the way to enter the Neo-Renaissance that is opening itself in front of us.
PS I am a 77 yo self-proclaimed anthropologist of knowledge, after two general BAs and one unspecialized MA in Zoo-Anthropo-Sociology, all undertaken to find out in the field why scientists cannot formulate in solvable terms the problems created by progress.